Episode 10 – Carter Hall at the United States Naval Academy

The Naval Academy has named one of its main classroom buildings after my grandfather Jimmy Carter. Every Midshipman at the Naval Academy will now learn humanities, engineering, and language arts in Carter Hall. I was grateful to accept this honor on behalf of my grandfather last Friday.

I was in Annapolis when my grandfather released the news that he is accepting hospice care, and will be spending his final days at home around friends and family. I am incredibly fortunate that I was able to accept this honor and then travel to Plains to tell him about my trip.

I released this episode to tell you about this story and my grandfather’s overwhelming gratitude.

Thank you all for reaching out to me with your support through this time.

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4 Responses

  1. What an incredible honor for you to stand in for President Carter, whose efforts for humanity are so great. I stand with you and Sarah as you brace for a world without him as a minister for kindness, as I lost my father, our family’s last member of the greatest generation, also at age 98, only last March. Please accept our family’s expressions of love and solace.

  2. What a great honor for your Grandfather and for you ❣️‼️you have been a close friend to my great nephew James Snyder since you were young – I know you will be great in your life , humble , giving, honest and loving like your Grandfather – Bless you and your future 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Love your grandfather wish your family well .He is amazing human being .I bet he make God smile. And say well done my good and faith ful servant . I am the Aggrey aunt .

  4. We are so proud of how gracefully you represent your grandfather as well as your whole family Josh. Our hearts are with you. I know how much of a presence he is in your life.
    Love you! Valerie

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